Let me at the outset present you with two quotations – just to start us thinking. Here is the first one:
„The dissolution of the Soviet Union is the greatest geo-strategic catastrophy of the 20th century“.
From the point of view of a KGB- officer in occupied Germany, Putin´s lament for the fate of the Soviet Union is understandable. After all, didn´t British, French and Spanish colonialists firmly believe in the civilizing mission of their empires?
Here is another quotation – perhaps a bit more intrigueing:
„I appeal to you – the people of Ukraine – not to succumb to extreme nationalism, but to keep the Soviet Union together – for the sake of peace and stability“.
Who was this firm believer in the peaceful mission of the Soviet Union? Well, he was none other than the president of the United States – the founder of the Bush dynasty – addressing the Verkovna Rada (The Ukrainian parliament) in Kyiv in 1991, a few months before the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
I bet this would have sounded like music to the ears of Mr. Putin, had it been repeated one of those days, perhaps on the occasion of the May 9 celebrations in the Red Square, to commemorate the victory over nazism in the Great Patriotic War, as the Second World War is known to Russians.
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