Aðstoðarritstjóri La Repubblica , sem er eitt helsta dagblað Ítalíu (vinstra megin), Sr. Stagliano, beindi til mín spurningum um hina meintu “íslensku leið” út úr kreppunni, en hann var að undirbúa fréttaskýringu um þetta efni í blað sitt. Svör mín við spurningum ritstjórans fara hér á eftir á ensku.
The deputy editor of La Repubblica in Rome, Mr. Stagliano, asked me a few questions about the so called “Icelandic way” out of the crisis – but he was preparing a report on this issue in his paper and came to Iceland for that purpose on May 25th. Specifically, he wanted to know if the crisis-stricken euro-zone countries (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland) could learn some lessons from the Icelandic experience. What follows are my answers to Mr. Stagliano´s questions.
May 25
Dear Mr. Stagliano.
Thank you very much for your e-mail. I am more than willing to help in any way I can to cover this story.
Unfortunately I am abroad and will not be available for an interview during the time you plan to be in Iceland. I can therefore only be of help if you submit your questions to me by e-mail. You are most welcome to submit your questions. You could also consult my homepage: www.jbh.is – where you will find some stuff in English, highly relevant for your topic.
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